CentOS 7 apache and friends --------------------------- VMWare Workstation 12 Guest Host: Windows 10 Hardware: --------- 1 CPU 1GB RAM LAN Segment network CentOS 7 installation -Boot from iso -Boot into LiveCD environment -Execute installation script -Follow on screen prompts to set up root and user accounts -Reboot once installation completes -Accept license agreement Assign static IP and DNS servers -Open terminal -`sudo vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno16777736` -edit DNS1 to -edit DNS2 to -edit IPADDR to //make sure this static address has an A record on testserv -edit PREFIX to 8 -escape key -`:wq` ///NOTE/// -At the moment, Linux will only resolve hostnames using FQDNs. probably an AD/Samba issue -Windows hosts will also be unable to ping Linux hosts without FQDN -DHCP should advertise DNS servers once AD is set up, can turn off static servers later ////////// Configure ntpd to poll time from DC -`sudo vim /etc/ntp.conf` -Find "server" line -Alter first server to -Comment out remaining lines -`:wq` -Disable vmware-tools timesync if needed Install Samba and configure -`sudo yum -y install samba krb5 realmd samba-common oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir sssd` -join domain with `realm` -`realm join --user=Administrator@testenv.com testenv.com` -verify domain and authentication type -`realm list` -set up Samba -`sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf` -set workgroup to TESTENVCOM -set host IPs to allow 127. and 10. -set security options -security = ads -encrypt passwords = yes -passdb backend = tdbsam -realm = TESTENV.COM -set a folder to share from server (if desired) -[sharename] -path = /path/to/share -public = yes/no -writable = yes/no -guest ok = yes/no -valid users = @"Employees@testenv.com" //the @ means that we are using AD group instead of users -`:wq` -Assign permissions to the network share folder -`mkdir /path/to/share` -`chown root:Employees@testenv.com /path/to/share` -`chmod 775 /path/to/share` -enable the share in SELinux -`chcon -t samba_share_t /path/to/share` -open samba ports in firewall -`firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=samba` -`firewall-cmd --reload` -set service to startup -`systemctl enable smb` -start service -`systemctl start smb` -VERIFY AUTHENTICATION BY LOGGING IN AS AD USER -Log out -Switch user -Username: \\testenv\Administrator -Password: enter password -Log in -??? -Profit -Open terminal -`whoami` -> "Administrator@testenv.com"@apache -Access Windows network share -Open File Manager -Connect to a Network -smb://testserv.testenv.com -Administrator -testenv -Password -Access shares // // DNS should work without FQDNs now // DHCP is getting proper DNS servers too, turn off static DNS servers //