Install and configure rsyslog and phplogcon/Adiscon LogAnalyzer Install build dependencies: yum install php php-mysql mysql-server -y Disable stock syslogd: service syslog stop chkconfig syslog off Download rsyslog to desired directory and extract: cd path/to/dir wget tar zxf rsyslog-3.21.1.tar.gz cd rsyslog-3.21.1 Configure and build ./configure --enable-mysql make make install Create database and user: mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-mysql-3.21.1/createDB.sql mysql -u root -p >GRANT ALL ON Syslog.* TO 'rsyslog'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'rsyslogthirteen'; >FLUSH PRIVILEGES; >exit Configue rsyslogd for use with mysql: nano /etc/rsyslogd.conf Add lines: $ModLoad ommysql *.* :ommysql:,Syslog,rsyslog,rsyslogthirteen Start rsyslog service: service rsyslog start chkconfig rsyslog on Download and install Adiscon LogAnalyzer (previously known as phplogcon) wget tar xzf loganalyzer-3.6.5.tar.gz Copy loganalyzer-3.6.5/src to webserver root: cp loganalyzer-3.6.5/src /var/www/html/loganalyzer Create configuration document and rant owenership/permissions: cd /var/www/html/loganalyzer touch config.php chown apache:apache config.php chmod 777 config.php Navigate to browser installation via: Follow on-screen instructions Step 3 - Enter mysql configuration and credentials when requested: Database Host: localhost Database Port: Database Name: Syslog Table prefix: logcon_ Database USer: rsyslog Database Password: rsyslogthirteen Step 6 - Continue through installation until main user account creation: Username: admin Password: cavitymentortrack Step 7 - Continue to enter database credentials again: Database Host: localhost Database Name: Syslog Database TableName: SystemEvents Database User: rsyslog Database Password: rsyslogthirteen Continue through steps until done. First login: Username: admin Password: cavitymentortrack You should now be logged in. Table may be empty if no messages were porinted during the installation process. You can send a test logger message and refresh the LogAnalyzer to see if it's working: logger This is a test message Refresh the LogAnalyzer page to verify