Manually create profe account Edit password file (/etc/passwd) by adding following line: profe:x:600:600:Jose F. Osorio:/home/profe:/bin/bash note: Ensure another account numbered 600 does not exist Edit the shadow file (/etc/shadow) by adding the following line: profe:$1$ovjpj.Oh$OYY8WmkdxI6cgdoHp8MiF1:13904:0:99999:7::: Edit group file (/etc/group) by adding: profe:x:600: Create ~profe mkdir /home/profe Change home dir ownership and permissions chown profe /home/profe chgrp profe /home/profe chmod u=rwx /home/profe Copy bash configuration files from /root and set proper pemrissions cp ~root/.bashrc /home/profe chown profe.profe /home/profe/.bashrc Edit shell prompt for profe account nano ~profe/.bashrc Add line: PS1="[\u@\H \@ $PWD #\!] "